The Molecular Mechanism of Disease Training Program was initiated through institutional funding from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln prior to being funded by NIGMS T32GM107001. Outcomes for trainees supported by NIH funding and for the total cohort of trainees since the MMoD program began are provided.

NIH MMoD Training Cohort: 18 students
(7-1-2015 through 6-30-2019)

PhD Recipients: 2
Average time to PhD degree: 5 years
MS Degree Recipients: 1
Total number of publications: 26 (1.4 papers per trainee)

Career Tracks of PhD Graduates:

Postdoctoral Fellow, Miyazaki University
Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston University School of Medicine

TOTAL MMoD Program Cohort: 24 students

PhD Recipients: 8
Average time to PhD degree: 4.9 years
MS Degree Recipients: 1
Total number of publications: 73 (3 papers per trainee)

Career Tracks of PhD Graduates:

Postdoctoral Associate, Miyazaki University
Postdoctoral Associate, Boston University School of Medicine
Postdoctoral Associate, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Postdoctoral Associate, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Teaching Associate, Doane University
Assistant Professor, LCC International University
Research Scientist, United States Department of Agriculture
Program Management Associate, Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute

Employment Sector

Employment sector: 12.5% Government, 12.5% For-Profit, 75% Academia